East Hampton Parks & Recreation
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Basketball, Youth Recreational Leagues

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Youths playing basketball in a gym.
Youth Basketball Program information:

Link to game schedule:  
Recreational Basketball Program:  
This program will be starting up earlier this season with games starting in early December.  Registration will be opening up next week with a registration deadline of October 18.  This program is undergoing some much needed changes this season.  We will be re-structuring our age groups and game rules to match up with the surrounding towns, as well as using certified officials for most age groups.  This will allow us an opportunity for games with those towns if we are not able to fill out full leagues in house.  The age group and setup this season will be grades 1 and 2 (Instructional League....clinic and game format, players will being in a clinic type of setting and work their way up to playing games as the season progresses, this program meets on Saturdays), Grades 3 and 4 league, Grades 5 and 6 league, Grades 7 and 8 league.    
We will be in need of coaching for this program as well.  At the time of registration if you would like to coach please register with us or contact us to sign up.    

If we do not field enough players for a league in a particular age group, that age group will be cancelled.  

All leagues need coaches please register below if you are interested in coaching!  Coaches will receive one free registration.  

You may select ONE night of the week that doesn't work for practice and we will do our best to place you on a team that does not practice on that night (if you list more than one we will go off of the first selection) . This is not a guarantee as team placement relies on what night of the week teams meet and the need to create equal teams.  Grade 1 and 2 program only meets on Satrudays.

We are in need of coaches for each age group.  Coaches will receive one free registration for their child.  All coaches must complete a background check and complete an online coaches training program.  The free registration will be refunded to you once you have completed the background check and coaches training.  


We follow CT Safe Sport Laws Information is here https://portal.ct.gov/DCF/GTF-CJA/HB-6113

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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