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Babysitting Course - American Red Cross Register View Cart

Hosted by - Jordan Morehouse RN, BSN

Program Overview

The American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training program is designed to provide youth who are planning to babysit with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care for children and infants. This training will help participants to develop leadership skills; learn how to develop a babysitting business, keep themselves and others safe and help children behave; and learn about basic child care and basic first aid. This training is designed for youths ages 11 to 15.
Course Objectives:
leadership skills
Learn how to develop a babysitting business
Keep themselves and others safe
Help children behave
Learn about basic child care and basic first aid.


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American Red Cross Babysitters Course * CANCELED
11y - 15y N/A TuTh  02/18/2025 - 02/20/2025
04:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Center Elementary School
$125.00 R, $135.00 NR
9 seat(s) available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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