East Hampton Parks & Recreation
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Watercolor Painting Workshop
Watercolor Painting Workshop
Cosmic Bowling
Cosmic Bowling
Paint Your Own Doormat Workshop
Make Your Own Doormat Workshop
Twig Wreath Workshop
Twig Wreath Workshop

Welcome to the East Hampton Parks & Recreation Department

You have found the Town of East Hampton Parks & Recreation Department. This website is the communication center of the department. We try to keep it up to date with information about what we do. Check back here often!

When you’re ready to register for activities be sure to review the How to Register for an Activity page. 

East Hampton Parks and Recreation Vision Statement
The vision for the East Hampton Parks and Recreation Department is to be the natural leader in promoting community health and well-being through fun, progressive and memorable parks and recreation experiences and activities for everyone.

Program Refund Policy: 

If you are unable to attend a program you have registered for, please contact us. You must contact us 7 days before a program starts to receive a 100% refund. Cancellations inside of 7 days will receive a 50% refund or be issued an account credit for another activity. After the program starts no refunds will be issued. Our ability to refund money for trip cancellations depends on our contractual agreement with the travel companies.

Late Pickup Policy:
Late pickups from programs will be billed at $1 per minute.  This applies to all programming.  

Special Care Plan Form for programming:
This Special Care Plan form ensures that children with medical, behavioral, or other specific needs are provided with the best care during their time at camps and programs. It also ensures that staff and parents are aligned in how the child’s needs will be met.  Please fill out and submit this form in advance of attending to syorker@easthamptonct.gov https://easthamptonct.myrec.com/forms/5743_special_care_plan_20242025_fillable_form_1.pdf

Department Profile
East Hampton Parks and Recreation Department consists of:
Sears Park, Airline Trail and Recreational Fields

Sears Park consists of a beautiful beach front setting, basketball courts, tennis courts and pavilions and hosts many year round programs

Outside recreational fields at the High school, Middle school, Center school and Memorial school are the center of organized town sports

Airline Trail provides serene views of Bell Town Village Center and Lake Pocotopaug, the Cranberry Bog, the Rapallo Viaduct and the Comstock Bridge

Rentals for the the Pavilion, Lion's Picnic Shelter and the Governor William A. O'neill Performing Arts Gazebo can be reserved by clicking the link below

All rental requests should be submitted though the Town's online facility booking site  
We do still have paper forms available at the office for anyone not able to complete this process.  

The Schools and Town have partnered to implement a new Facilities scheduling systems called FMX(Facilities and Maintenance Express).
Our site is https://easthamptonct.gofmx.com 
For the School District and Town of East Hampton, this new system replaces all other building use scheduling processes. There will no longer be a paper-based building use process. For the Town, this system will now be used to schedule the Town Hall meeting and conference rooms, Sears Park, and soon the EH Public Library. 
When you are ready to submit a building use request, take these steps to use the system:

  1. Setup an account by going to the site and click the “Need an account” link.
  2. Complete the simple online form and then click “Continue”.
  3. Sign into the system once you have finished setting up your account.
  4. Submit a request type of "parks and recreation" for the facility you are interested in booking.  You can also view a calendar of previously scheduled activities and view availability.  

Sears Park Facility Requests rules and fees: 

- We take reservation requests beginning in January for the next calendar year. 
Rental times are available for half day rentals (9-1 or 1-6), or full day rentals (9-6).  

  1. Applicant Requirements: Applicants must meet one of these three criteria: (1) resident of East Hampton, (2) non-resident
taxpayer of East Hampton, or (3) owner of a business located in East Hampton.
2. Approval Process: Upon receipt, the Parks and Recreation Department will review and, if applicable, present request to the
Advisory Board at its next scheduled regular meeting. All requests should be received by the Department no later than 30
calendar days prior to anticipated use date.
3. Availability of Facilities: Facilities are unavailable for rental during the Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day weekends.
4. Signs: Bulletin Boards and informational kiosk in the Park are for Parks and Recreation Department notices and information
only. Groups using Sears Park may place 2 signs announcing the event on the day of the event only. Signs are to be
freestanding and no larger than 2' x 3'. Signs must be placed at the entrance and exit gates (between the road and the stone
wall in front of the Park) without blocking traffic sight lines. The signs must be removed immediately at the close of the
scheduled event. Any violation of the above will result in the removal of the signs by the Parks and Recreation Department.
5. Cleanup: The facility must be left the way it was found. Garbage removal and cleaning is the responsibility of the user group.
Failure to clean up shall result in loss of the security deposit.
6. Decorations: Only table-top decorations are allowed in the Pavilion and Picnic Shelter. No decorations are to be attached
to the walls or any surfaces in these buildings.
7. Exclusive use of Sears Park: NO individual or group shall be given exclusive use of Sears Park and the facilities.
8. Fees/Security Deposits: Payment of rental fees and security deposit for Pavilion are due at the time of application approval and cannot be
submitted to our office until January 1st of the year you are requesting (this applies to all rental groups).
a. Pavilion: $75.00 Half Day (9:00am-1:00pm) or (1:00pm-6:00pm)
b. Pavilion: $125.00 Full Day (9:00am-6:00pm)
c. Pavilion: plus $125.00 security deposit paid by separate check submitted with application. (The security
deposit is required for all groups regardless of fees structure.)
d. Pavilion: Town board/agency/commission or civic groups – no fee paid
e. Pavilion: Non-profit organizations for first-time use of facility – no fee paid and 50% of fee listed above for each
additional rental
f. Pavilion: For profit, private organizations, private parties, businesses – above fees apply
g. Picnic Shelter: no fee/security deposit required, but users must submit a completed application
9. Group Maximums: Groups using the PAVILION will be limited to 30 persons and 10 cars unless special permission is
granted by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Groups using the PICNIC SHELTER will be limited to 25 persons
and 8 cars unless special permission is granted by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. See Parking Requirements (#10
below). Approved groups of 50+ people are required by ordinance to submit an Event Form to the Fire Marshall five (5) days
before the event. Event Form is available on the Town website.
10. Parking Requirements: Sears Park passes are free of charge to all East Hampton Residents. May obtain at the Parks &
Recreation Department, Library, or the Police Station during regular business hours. All vehicles must park in the designated
area or as directed by the Park Attendant.
11. Town Staff required at extra cost: It will be the decision of the Parks and Recreation Department and/or Advisory Board to
require, at the cost of the applicant, additional staff or police protection for various functions.
12. Use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited anywhere in Sears Park. Anyone with alcoholic beverages will be asked to leave the
park immediately, the security deposit will not be returned, and the party will not be allowed to reserve the park’s facilities in the
INSURANCE/FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: The Town of East Hampton does not provide participants’ or spectators’ medical, surgical, or hospital expenses arising out of
proposed activity. Applicant may be required to submit a CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE as a condition for the granting of approval. Said certificate, in the amount of $1,000,000.00,
will name the Town of East Hampton, its officers, agents, and employees as additional insured. If insurance has a deductible, the user shall be required to provide an additional security
deposit in the amount of the deductible or a determined portion thereof. Upon completion of use, security deposit shall be returned in full, if there are no damages. If there are
damages, the security deposit shall be used to offset the actual cost of repairs. All security deposits (when required) shall be paid in cash, credit card, or by bank/certified check made
payable to the Town of East Hampton. Said conditions (if required) shall be met within a minimum of one week prior to scheduled event. If insurance certificate is not required, it is
understood that applicant assumes financial responsibility for any damages to facility caused by persons using the facility. Additional Town staff or police protection may be required at
the cost of the applicant.
HOLD HARMLESS: Applicant agrees that it will indemnify and hold harmless the Town of East Hampton and its respective officers, agents, and employees from any loss, cost,
damages, expenses, judgments and liability whatsoever kind or nature howsoever the same may be caused resulting directly or indirectly by any act or omission of the applicant, any
subcontractor, anyone directly related or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose act any of them may be liable resulting in bodily injury including sickness or death,
personal injury or damage to property directly or indirectly, including the loss of use resulting there from as permitted by law.
By submitting a facility application you are agreeing to all of the above Rules and Regulations.  

Sears Park Hours
January 7:30AM - Sunset
February 7:30AM - Sunset
March 7:30AM - Sunset
April 7:30AM - 8:00PM
May 7:30AM - 8:00PM
June 7:00AM - 8:30PM
July 6:30AM - 8:30PM
August 7:00AM - 8:30PM
September 7:30AM - 8:00PM
October 7:30AM - Sunset 
November 7:30AM - Sunset 
December 7:30AM - Sunset 

Lifeguard Hours 
Weather Dependant (hours may be extended or shortened based on the weather)  June 15 - August 18.  12:00PM - 5:00PM

  • Stickers…Vehicles: place sticker on the inside driver’s window.
                        Boats: place on the right (starboard) side of the boat, clearly visible to the park attendant.
  • Children…under the age of 13 must be supervised by an adult.
  • Watercraft use…please obey the 10 mph speed limit; please clean watercrafts before and after use in Lake.
  • Alcoholic beverages…are not permitted in the park at any time.
  • Smoking is not permitted on the beach, playground area, or picnicking areas.
  • Behavior…“3 strikes and you are out” rule. Anyone asked to leave Sears Park by park personnel because of inappropriate behavior or language on 3 occasions will be permanently barred from the confines of Sears Park.  This includes use of the volleyball, basketball, and tennis courts.
  • Swimming…is permitted in designated areas only; No swimming is permitted in the boat launch area.
  • Flotation devices…of any kind are prohibited; this includes arm bands, rafts, and floats.
  • Fishing…is not allowed in the swim area.
  • Parking…please park in an orderly fashion to accommodate other vehicles and boat trailers.
  • Pets…owners are responsible for clean-up of waste products from their pets; all pets must be leashed and are not allowed on the beach or in the swim area.

Contact Info
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am – 4pm
Phone: 860-267-7300
Director - Shawn Mullen
Program Coordination - Sheri Yorker 
Program Related Information, Questions and General Information: syorker@easthamptonct.gov